Are You Investing in YOUR Infrastructure?

By Dorian Earl, DevCon founder & CEO

Average Americans learned in recent weeks the term “infrastructure” isn’t confined to brick-and-mortar support systems.

Yes, our bridges, railroad tracks and other physical assets demand updating. But the virtual world of e-commerce also provides an essential skeletal element for the world in which we live—and thrive.

Back in the day, a business owner justifiably might have thought of “infrastructure” as meaning his warehouse, vehicles and physical inventory. Now, a company executive needs to ensure her organization’s e-assets are in order, including a rugged and malleable software-support system.

Companies that have celebrated 15 years or more in operation are particularly vulnerable to being eclipsed by smaller, more-nimble companies using fresher technologies with more-modern electronic infrastructures in place.

With the United States critically looking in a full-length mirror and realizing it needs to get in better shape when it comes to a national infrastructure, perhaps it’s the perfect time to reflect on our own individual business infrastructures.

Sizing up your situation

How’s your infrastructure? Are your figurative “bridges” becoming a bit wobbly? What about those metaphorical highways and byways? Are you flying a propeller biplane in a supersonic jet-aircraft world? Are you running at modem speed in a Wi-Fi world? Is the state-of-the-art software system you purchased a decade-plus ago becoming less-than-stately?

 Is it time to revisit—or initiate—your customer relationship software? Are you considering a switch to Salesforce, for example? Perhaps you need to customize your CRM to suit your company’s current situation.

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act prompted me to consider Development Consulting Partners’ infrastructure. True, having been founded in 2017 makes us a young company. Yet I still felt compelled to perform a self-assessment:

  • Do we have anything that’s crumbling?

  • Have we not addressed something significant?

  • Are we somehow hampering our growth?

I ask our clients similar questions:

  • Do you have any friction points?

  • What’s not working well?

  • Are some elements in your business structure a bit clunky?

Updated operations

The $1.2 trillion infrastructure law is historic, including:

  • $110 billion for roads and bridges

  • $65 billion for broadband Internet

  • $7.5 billion to establish a national electrical-vehicle-charger network

That’s a colossal coffer of cash. However, you might be surprised at just how affordable it is getting your business up-to-speed. By using the world’s No. 1 customer-relationship-management system, Salesforce, we can update your operations and save you money where you didn’t realize you were spending it.

So, I would ask you: Is there anything crumbling in your business? What’s the most substantial need you have? Focus in on those areas. Is it something affecting your customers? Is it something affecting your employees or your internal team or your investors or yourself?

I’m often fascinated while watching a History Channel show that states that when two cities were connected by road or rail, a commerce boom resulted.

 I wonder: If I put easier-to-access train stops between my customers and us, what would that mean? Happier customers? More profit for us? What would that highway look like? How would I build it with the least amount of friction?

 What are you going to do about YOUR business? What’s needed in your company’s “infrastructure bill”?

 If you’re encountering areas where you need help, reach out. I want to learn more about what you’re doing to add more efficiency to your infrastructure or anything involving your tech stack.

Seeking superior Salesforce support? Experience the DevCon Difference℠. Development Consulting Partners, LLC is a certified Salesforce Partner. Founded in 2017, Development Consulting Partners serves clients across North America via a coast-to-coast team of trusted Salesforce experts. These specialists implement affordable & customized business solutions centered on the possibilities offered by the world’s #1 CRM platform: Salesforce. Find out how our consultants can invigorate and elevate your organization.



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